Friday, March 12, 2010

Creative Extigy Treiber Windows 7

Andong, an overview of Korean life of yesteryear

return to Seoul a few days after shipping, I took the weekend to settle some administrative problems (air tickets, visa, Japan Rail Pass ...) and restaus make some with my cousin. This weekend we start in South Korea, Gyeongju, capital of the Silla Dynasty in the first millennium: temples, tombs and ruins
variety should be at the rendezvous.

Andong Area, where I spent two days Earlier this week, proved rewarding. About twenty kilometers from the city, a small traditional village of the 15th was preserved, and families live in collaboration with the government. It's pretty weird to see big stylish cars in front of the ancient gates of houses. At the time of my visit, the village called Hano, was covered with snow, and I was the only visitor before a Korean tourist buses will join me. Hano has a hundred traditional houses, some of which can be visited.

They range from the modest farmhouse roof of straw to the rich and beautiful of the noble pagoda. Of signs in English, Korean and Japanese provide details on the people, lifestyles and architecture. At the center of the village sits a century-old tree was apparently the case in all villages in the area at the time. It is protected on one side by the river, the other by the hills. Rice paddies and small decorative water bodies are maintained in the immediate vicinity of the village ... Everything is done to encourage the visitor's immersion in the Korean medieval atmosphere, and it succeeded!

returned to Andong, I left my hotel an hour to walk towards Andong Dam. The huge building required the relocation of several villages. A typical village (another!) Was built for the nearby dam. By cons it is empty, ghostly, houses are open to the four winds, it looks like the nuclear test village "The Hills Have Eyes". I found the atmosphere less involved than Hano, though the site was used to achieve several historic films. Anyway, a folklore museum is located next door, and his visit is worthwhile. It is not very big but the explanations in English are provided. I especially liked a passage about the games in the villages the past. These games were all part of the village men, divided into two teams (East vs. West). Re-enactments take place from time to time at festivals in Korea, and the show is awesome.

I could not pass without Andong enrich my culinary culture, so I made two restaurants. A dinner of grilled succulent mackerel, and a Korean barbecue lunch the next day. The image with the meal had three pieces of pork, with a listed price of 7,000 Won (4.5 €). It seemed rather cheap and I have dark. It was super good, the meat was much more than correct, I really enjoyed myself. When paying the bill, the guy made me understand that 7000 was the Won price of a single piece of meat meal corresponding to a normal person: / So I had to pay for three meals, but frankly it was worth it. Life is not easy when you do not understand anything and that people do not speak a word of English: / Anyway I will definitively Korean food:)

I dedicate this message to my camera who passed away. The poor man has probably resented the shift of 30 degrees to 0 degrees Indian Korean. I sent him to recover his health in the workshop and should recover in a few weeks ...


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