Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Embroidery Library And:pulse

Seoraksan under the snow and the treasures of Danyang

Sunday morning, Mag and I visited the National Park Seoraksan, near Sokcho, in an atmosphere for the less polar. The snow was falling continuously, which does not seem to interfere with the many visitors Koreans. Towards the entrance stands a giant Buddha, waiting patiently for the return of warm weather. 20 to 30 cms of snow prevented a clear view of the trail, but we followed a few kilometers of footsteps to lead to waterfalls, before turn back. In normal times you can see cliffs, rocky peaks and a vegetation lush. This time, fog and snow could not see far away but instead conferred a calm and pleasant. We parted at 13h it to return to Seoul, I to continue south and reach the next destination, Danyang.

I had to take 3 buses to get to Danyang. A Jecheon, one of the steps, I enjoyed a classic but effective bibimbap. It is a dish of vegetables and rice covered with a fried egg, and presented with a multitude of small dishes containing accompaniments. While at home the meal is a plate, in Korea the table is covered with mini dishes in which everyone pecks. The Koreans are also avid meat eaters, their barbecues are excellent. In short, I arrived at the destination at 20h. Danyang is wedged between a mountain and a large river that goes around. I found a comfortable hotel overlooking the River. Although prices are incomparable with India, but for twenty Euros a room was nickel, with TV, fridge, internet, floor heating and heating in the bed sometimes. On TV a lot of nonsense and silliness, but also games of Starcraft and Warcraft 3, what tape a little while:)

A Danyang, I started by exploring the cave Gosudonggul. The corner is full and it was deemed the most interesting. It covers a little less than 2 km, which travels along metal stairs and walkways. Some passages are very narrow and need to do a bit of contortionist. I was absolutely alone in the cave, it makes a weird feeling. This is definitely not the season for tourists, but to visit a cave in season does not change much. I could admire at leisure the concretions very well developed, some are sublime. I then did a tour along the river to one end or one of Danyang sees rocky peaks rising from the water and topped by a small pagoda. This morning before leaving for Andong, I visited the complex Buddhist insa-Gu, 20km from Danyang. It is a succession of 34 giant decorated pagodas, built in a narrow valley and steep . It is the headquarters of the Buddhist order Tien Ta, claiming unite one million faithful. Construction was begun in 1945 and continues today. This mini-village religious ultra clean, everything looks new and the people are peaceful. A trail of a thousand small steps climbing one of the sides of the valley and leads to the tomb of the founder. The faithful gather there, the place is located atop a small hill offering a beautiful panorama of snow.

The train took me to Andong, where I remained until tomorrow before returning to Seoul. I intended to use my end of the afternoon to go to the Folk Museum, a few miles from downtown, but the bus passed me without stopping. This bus only goes once an hour, and poor little old lady who was waiting with me seemed confusing ... No problem, I will go tomorrow after my visit to the village folk Hahoe:)


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